Category: Europe

Attractions in Croatia

Attractions in Croatia

According to, you can walk through the magnificent pine forests past the city zoo and old chapels, and climb the Marjan Hill, from where a wonderful panorama of Split opens up. Southeast of...

Slovenia Brief History

Slovenia Brief History

According to, Slovenia is a central European state. It borders to the North with Austria, to the NE with Hungary, to the SE and to the South with Croatia, to the West with Italy...

Iceland in the 2000's

Iceland in the 2000’s

Island state of northwestern Europe. According to official estimates, the Iceland in 2005 it counted 299,891 residents, with a density of 2.9 residents / km 2. The increase recorded in ten years is approximately...

Italy Reformers

Italy Reformers

There are numerous Italian thinkers who in the century. XVI, who took refuge abroad for having adhered to heretical ideas, made a notable contribution to the Protestant Reformation. Pietro Martire Vermigli, professor in Zurich, Germany,...

Russia During Elizabeth and Peter III

Russia During Elizabeth and Peter III

Lively, but superficial and futile, Elizabeth did not change the tone of life of the court: the favorites dominated, crazy expenses followed one another. Elisabeth’s German tastes were replaced by a more refined French...

Germany History - Germany and Germani

Germany History – Germany and Germani

The Rhine and the upper course of the Danube had definitively constituted the border of the Roman Empire, to the east and north of which extended, up to the Vistula and the North and...

Russia Arts

Russia Arts and Music

The country is the direct heir of a large part of the former Soviet Union, and as such it has brought with it the artistic and cultural heritage that was formed throughout the twentieth...

Attractions in Stuttgart, Germany

Attractions in Stuttgart, Germany

Stuttgart, capital of Baden-Wuerttemberg, with (2019) 635,900 residents. Stuttgart lies in a wide valley on the middle Neckar and has two universities, museums, theaters and a botanical-zoological garden (“Wilhelma”). As the headquarters of Daimler...

Lourdes, France

Lourdes, France

The world-famous place of pilgrimage Lourdes is located in southern France in the Midi Pyrenees region, not far from the border with Spain. Pilgrimage groups and participants in study trips visit the small town...