Best Travel Time and Climate for England

Climate in London

The maximum temperature in England is 22 ° C in July and August. In January the thermometer rises to a maximum of 6 ° C. The summer (June to September) with average 21 ° C warm . In the winter months it is approximately 8 ° C cold . During the day, the average annual temperature in England is 13.9 ° C.

At night it gets coldest with 2 ° C in January. The thermometer rarely falls below 14 ° C in July. While the nights in summer have averages of a pleasant 12 ° C, the thermometer drops to a cold 4 ° C at night between November and March. The temperature averages 7.3 ° C at night all year round.

With 12 rainy days, January is the rainiest month of the year. The July is the driest month of the year . From June to September England is quite dry with an average of around 8 rainy days each, the winter (November to March) is relatively humid with 10 rainy days. Every month there is an annual average of 9.2 days of rain.

Best travel time

According to PROGRAMINGPLEASE, London is peak travel season pretty much all year round, but spring (and summer) are usually very crowded. If you take your London tour in late spring, you will have the opportunity to experience the royal parks and gardens in full bloom. It can be particularly rainy during autumn and winter, and sometimes very humid in summer.

The late autumn and winter months in England are often wet and cool and the chances of good weather are slim. The best time to travel to England is especially spring and late summer . Then the climate is mild but pleasant and the country is not as crowded as it is in summer. Summer can be wonderfully sunny and hot, especially on the beautiful south coast.

From June to September is the main travel time for England and the prices rise significantly compared to the rest of the year. If you want to save real money on flights, especially between December and March, you should keep an eye on the offers of the airlines, sometimes absolute bargains are possible.

The optimal travel time for England can be described for the months of April / May and September . You can’t go wrong in summer if you don’t mind the crowds. It gets very expensive at Christmas / New Year and Easter.

Best Travel Time and Climate for England

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